Dental Health

Young man smiling and pointing at his teeth

Teeth Health Tips: The Worst Foods for Your Teeth & Cavities 

Most people might not think too much about their teeth. That is, of course, until something goes wrong. Then suddenly their chompers/gnashers/fangs/food smashers have their undivided attention. For many, it is not until we feel that pang or sting of pain that we stop and analyze the problem. By the time we feel pain, however,

Teeth Health Tips: The Worst Foods for Your Teeth & Cavities  Read More »

Flossing: A Simple, Effective Method to Maintain Healthy Teeth

You’re sitting in the chair, mouth wide open, with the dentist lecturing you about flossing your teeth every night- and they can’t be blamed for it. You may not give it enough attention or importance, but flossing is actually extremely healthy for your teeth. We use our teeth more than we even grant them credit

Flossing: A Simple, Effective Method to Maintain Healthy Teeth Read More »

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