Dentures or Teeth Implants, Which Option is Best for You?

an older couple smiling after they both got dentures and teeth implantsStatistics from the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons indicate that close to 70 percent of adults between the ages of 35 and 44 have lost at least one tooth due to an accident, tooth decay, gum disease, or dental fracture. However, no one has to live with missing teeth. You can choose to have missing teeth replaced with either dentures or teeth implants. The team at Lee Trevino Dental can help.

Factors to Consider When Deciding on Teeth Implants

In order to decide whether it is better for you to get teeth implants or dentures, there are a number of items you need to take into consideration. First and foremost, your gums and jaw must be healthy enough to withstand the surgical implantation of teeth implants. If your dentist had said that you are a good candidate for them, then you need to inquire about financing. This is because they can be costly and many dental insurance plans do not cover them because they are considered a cosmetic procedure.

Cost depends on many things. Where you live, your dental health, the type of implant being used all factor into the cost. Diagnostic tests are required including x-rays or CT scans, and whether or not you need additional procedures including a bone graft or sinus lift will also add to the cost0. It is also contingent upon the number of teeth being replaced.

Choosing Teeth Implants Over Dentures

If your mouth is healthy enough for teeth implants and you are able to afford them, then they are the better option over dentures because they look and feel more like real teeth than dentures. In addition, with proper care, they can last up to 20 years and the care for teeth implants is much less intense than that of dentures. Moreover, dentures tend to slip or may click while you are eating or speaking. Implants, on the other hand, cannot move because they are held in place by tiny titanium screws connected to the jawbone.

In addition to having a mouth and jaw that are healthy enough for teeth implants, you also need to take into consideration that the process takes longer than getting dentures and if you grind your teeth at night then implants may not be the best choice for you and dentures deserve another look. It is best to discuss your options with your dentist in order to be able to make an informed decision about what is best for you. If you are in need of teeth implants or other dental procedure and are in the El Paso area, contact Lee Trevino Dental for an appointment. They have been making the city smile since 1977.


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